

Baby Master (BM)

ChessOff topic
New announcement

FIDE chess association has recently announced a new chess title. Baby Master. Shortened to BM. A person gains the title by being born with both parents of whom have achieved a chess title. Similar to how royal titles work. But with chess. The baby will then proceed to frantically learn chess and get a more prestigious title so they don't have to go through life being known as a Baby Master.

Baby Masters also get privileges in the chess world. For example, they are allowed to have a milk bottle (in the shape of a pawn) next to them on the table from which they can drink during their game as long as they slurp it down silently. They are also free to cry during the game and their opponent cannot claim distraction techniques with the arbiter.

If you ever meet a Baby Master (online or off) make sure to stay good friends with them as you might end up with some free coaching sessions by one of their parental unit.

If anyone has any queries with any of these points then feel free to pop a message in the comments section.