
Opening traps in the french defense.

Hello everyone! In this blog il show you some lines and opening traps in the French defense for both both black and white so i hope you enjoy!

Match: Grossner - Budrich 1949
1.e4 e6 2. d3 d5 3. Nd2 Nc6 4. Ne2 e5 5. ed5 Qd5 6. c4 (this isnt very likely to be played by someone, but you never know also i think the next move is pretty cool. Nb4 7. cd5 Nd3

Its a interesting position, and it could happen at some level.

Kotkov-Akopian 1966

1e4 e6 2d4 d5 3Nc3 dxe4 4Nxe4 Bd7 5Nf3 Bc6 6Bd3 Nf67 Nxf6+ Qxf6 8Bg5 Bxf3 9Qd2Qxd4??

Bb5 is a very common trick in the french defense, for white mostly.

Here is another example of a Bb5 trick

1e4 e6 2d4 d5 3Nc3 Bb4 4Bd2 dxe4 5Nxe4 Qxd4 6Bd3 Bxd2+ 7Qxd2 Nf6??+

Moral of the story, always watch out for Bb5 in the french defense!

1e4 e6 2d4 d5 3Nc3 Nf6 4Bg5 Be7 5e5 Nfd7 6h4 c5 7Bxe7 Kxe7 8dxc5 Qa5 9Qd2 h6??10Nxd5+ exd5 11 Qxa5

The h4 line can be very deadly if black doesnt know how to respond and takes the pawn, but black also has some counterplay if the castles are opposite

Thank you for reading this blog and i hope you enjoyed! Sorry fro giving only notation and some positions, next time il try to post the enitire game so you can scroll through the moves.