
Vugar Gashimov Memorial

The most amazing game in my opinion is Nepo vs Artemyev.

In principle, this is an ordinary, standard tournament of stars, but nevertheless, I wanted to highlight a couple of games: here is one of them GM Nepo vs GM Aydin

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I also wanted to highlight the move of Jan Nepomnyashchy h6?? Which gives Aydin a chance to win at least a figure or more.

I would also like to highlight the party of GM Richard Rapport vs GM Suleiman Aydin.

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A disastrous move on Richard's part Bf5 this move resets the score from 3.9 to 0.0 well, even this did not stop Richard, he continued to lower the score with inaccurate moves and eventually lost. In general, this tournament did not go in Richard's direction.

The next batch is GM Nepo vs GM Artemyev.

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The game is one of the craziest games that I have seen, simply put, there was a lot of advantage, let's start with such a move on the part of Jan Nepomnyashchy Lad8??, the move spoils the game very much for Jan, but this is not cool either, since Artemyev made an even more strange mistake by simply giving the slate to Lg6 and lost the game.

That's it, thanks!!!