
What is King of the Hill?

ChessAnalysisStrategyChess variantLichess
What is King of the Hill? I'll teach you that.

If someone said" What's King of the Hill" I'll tell you, it's not that easy to explain, but... you know! I'll tell you what it is! in Lichess. You see, King of the Hill is a variant. Now if you don't know what a variant is... it's... like Doctor Strange in Vivid or Darth Vader in green(slow claps).

Now that you got my attention, here's what King of the Hill is. It's a variant, in chess( that's pretty obvious) it is. King of the Hill is to move your king to d4, d5, e4, and e5(center of the board) to win! ( Still! Very obvious) Fine! I'll make it a little more... in-ter-est-ing, OK!

You can win by moving your king to the center of the chessboard( WE KNOW!) or doing a checkmate(ok) you got it now! moving forward, only a few people play King of the Hill( few means 3 and below, and you think that 3 or below play King of the Hill? Mind your grammar, you piece of crap!) Chill, Chill! Fine!

How about this" Most the people play King of the Hill" good now! ( better!) King of the Hill is not easy I say. There will be hard players that you will not notice! Lichess also makes tournaments that have the variant' King of the Hill'. There will be hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly King of the Hill arena tournaments.

If you want more detail of what King of the Hill is, have a look at this:King of the Hill • Bring your King to the center to win the game. • Now that is it for the blog! More playing, less reading!