
Should I Play 1.d4?

ChessOpeningAnalysisChess PersonalitiesChess engine
Enjoy my recent video where I discuss some fun ideas with 1.d4!


Recently, I was wondering...

Should I Play 1.d4?

On the one hand, I had already been doing very well with 1.e4 in my online games.

On the other hand, it would be great to be able to play 1.d4 just as well!

The Discussion

Here's my recent YouTube video where I discuss the ideas I'm thinking of playing after 1.d4:

As you can see, many of my ideas were influenced by GM Matthew Sadler's games on Lichess, which used various ideas from Leela Zero.

One of the wilder ones is 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 d5 4.Nc3 c6 5.g4!??, which was recently used by Shevchenko to beat Erigaisi in the SuperBet United Rapid/Blitz earlier this year.

Have Your Say

What do you think? Should I start playing 1.d4 more often in my games?

Let me know in the comments thread :)