Played 2 Bullet games
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Advaith Nichenametla.V
FIDE rating: 1812
Member since Apr 30, 2020
Time spent playing: 28 days, 14 hours
Time featured on TV: 34 minutes
TeamsAtharv's chess gangBlanchardstown Chess ChallengeCharlie's Chess GangCork Chess Rapidplay 2021Ethan's Chess ClubFIDEGM Alex Baburin's chess clubIreland to LesothoIreland U20 TeamIrish Chess Junior TeamIrish chess teamIrish Juniors U12Lichess Swiss
Lichess Three-check
Master Chess Club A TeamMaster Chess Club - DublinRapid Champions 🐇RCA BangaloreRoyalRidersStudy Creators & Friends
Tal chess academyTeam VishiThe Dangerous DragonsThe Tournament PeopleThe_Dark_KnightsTrio Fantastico and friends!

Played 4 Bullet games
Played 3 UltraBullet games159691
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #1926 (top 85%) with 3 games in UltraBullet Shield Arena
Played 3 Atomic games14924
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #159 (top 55%) with 3 games in Weekly Atomic Arena
Played 13 Bullet games20565
Played 9 Blitz games185117
Solved 33 tactical puzzles207137
Played 1 Bullet game20616
Practiced 10 positions on Basic Rook Endgames
Played 9 Atomic games1488137
Played 3 Bullet games20675
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #95 (top 26%) with 9 games in Monthly Atomic Arena
Practiced 8 positions on 7th-Rank Rook Pawn
Played 4 Blitz games
Played 3 Bullet games