
ChessMinds Endgame Expert II - Practical Part

This is the practical part of playing in an endgame. In the opening and middlegame stages, sudden tactical variations often determine the situation. In a chess endgame, you should use only your strategic understanding. That is why the majority of players do NOT know what to do in an endgame at all! After going through all the videos in the previous blog post you will be able to imitate an endgame expert's thinking process and achieve the same great results but only after you practice with tasks that will be posted subsequently.

The Instruction for the Practical Part

After a study of the video lessons you have received a certain set of knowledge. Now it is necessary to put the received knowledge into practice from our previous blog. This practical addition to the course will help you to do it.

Your PURPOSES for the practical part are:

  • To train (and automate) the correct way of thinking.
  • To develop your deep understanding of an endgame.

Concerning the 1st purpose: To train the correct way of thinking

Most often you will need to think about a position and to find the right move. HOWEVER these are NOT the tactical tasks and your main goal is NOT just to guess the move somehow. Moreover, often there is no just one “right” or “wrong” move here.
Your goal is to apply (to train) the correct way of thinking presented in the video lessons. You should formulate the correct plan also (not only to find the correct move).

Concerning the 2nd purpose: To develop your understanding of an endgame

Often you will need to find the right move in a certain position and then you will look at the answer. While studying the answers I recommend you to go over the whole presented game (not only the first move).
These games are very instructive. You should analyze them and understand how general ideas (from the video lessons) work in different practical positions. Try to understand the reason of every move (pay attention on the winner’s moves mostly).

The Notes:

  • The practical part contains 13 tasks (they are presented in separate folders). A separate instruction is applied for each task. You should carry out all the tasks consistently, following the corresponding instructions. Read the instruction first and then perform the task.
  • You should think about the 1 position no more than 15 minutes.
  • Remember that you should focus on the quality of your training, not on the quantity of the performed work.
  • Do not use the computer engines during a performing of the tasks. You should think by yourself to train your skills.
  • If something is not clear for you - learn once again a corresponding video lesson.
  • Use “mind maps” (from the 7th video lesson) constantly, while learning the practical part. This will help you to systematize and to remember everything easily.

Now you should start performing the tasks, starting from the “Task 1”.

Click on the links to take you to the study - Task1part1 Task1part2 Task1part2solution Task2 Task2Solution Task3 Task3Solution Task4Task4Solution Task5 Task5Solution Task6 Task6Solution Task7 Task7Solution Task8 Task8Solution Task9 Task9Solution Task10 Task10SolutionEndTask

Thank you for your attention and let us know about your practical success. All the best!