Magnus Carlsen

Image of Magnus Carlsen courtesy of Lennart Ootes

Magnus Carlsen shows us a simple light-square strategy

ChessAnalysisStrategyChess PersonalitiesOver the board
One weakness allows one plan

Featured is a round 5 game from the 44th Chess Olympiad held in Chennai, India between Zambia's Gillan Bwalya and World Champion Magnus Carlsen. The opening is a Queen's Gambit Declined, Ragozin variation. As early as move 10, white opts for an unusual defense against Carlsen's x-ray along the c-file. White's decision on move 13 to exchange his light-squared bishop for a knight allowed Carlsen to execute a light-square strategy. The primary weakness on e4 was exploited almost effortlessly. Should it come as a surprise for such a game to end by a light-squared bishop strike?

Gillan Bwalya vs Magnus Carlsen | 44th Chess Olympiad, Round 5

Below are 3 positions I draw attention to in the video

Question 1 of 3: What is a good reply to Qc7?

Question 2 of 3: How should black capture on d5?

Question 3 of 3: How can black punish f5?

Tale of the tape

Stockfish 15 analysis

Closing words

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