
Wanna win Lichess Patron?

Well Would you like to win Lichess Patron? If yes I will tell you many ways how to do it!

How to Win Lichess Patron?

Patron swiss tournament!
Yep My team have created Swiss tournament in which you can win Patron!! We will probably have it every month!

Lichess Liga!
-Lichess liga? What?
-Well You heard it right if you play for the Dark Night Chess Club you have a chance to win patron!
-But how?
-Well at the every month end we will see which player has earned most points in lichess liga combined all the month Ligas and the pkayer who has earned most points will get patron!
-It’s that easy?
-Yess it is!
Team link: The Lichess Liga Patron has been stoped for this month because of lack players playing for the team