
Overpopulation: Burdening the Earth

The screaming voices,sobbing children,empty stomachs,barren fields,deadly famines and tragic poverty are in some way related to the issue of "Overpopulation"

Overpopulation Burdening the Earth


"Either we reduce the world's population voluntarily or nature will do this for us, but brutally."
The human population is increasing rapidly and it's becoming harder and harder for the ecological setup to control such a gigantic population. This rapid increment is leading to disturbances in the Environment. The term is self explanatory, overpopulation is the existence of too many individuals in Human population. This high number is extremely concerning because of below reasons,
A.) Limited resources are getting depleted quickly due to increase in population.
B.) Various issues like malnutrition, economic disparity and famine are directly linked with overpopulation.
C.) Overpopulation also causes increment in unemployment as governments in most developing countries are not efficient enough to keep up with increasing population.
D.) Degradation of Environment and shortage of fresh water are also linked with overpopulation.

Misery of Asia

Asia's position is worst in regards of overpopulation. The population density and total population count of various Asian countries are sky touching. The two most populated countries of the world are in Asia which are India (1.38 billion) and China (1.41 billion). Other highly populated countries of Asia are Indonesia (255 million), Pakistan (191 million), Bangladesh (158 million) and Japan (126 million). Several researches predict that Asia may face a population boom in coming 50 years. The population boom can be avoided only if human population makes combined efforts.

Ways to avoid overpopulation

Some ways to keep population in control are:-
A.) Use of contraceptive methods:- If there will be proper awareness in teenagers about contraceptive methods then they will be able to avoid unwanted pregnancy later. Couples must use contraceptive methods to avoid offsprings.
B.)Population control laws:- These are extremely important because if the government only allows 2 or at most 3 children and refrains from providing state benefits to offsprings born after the set limit then couples will avoid more than 2 or 3 offsprings. You can sign petitions, spread awareness and post on your social media handle about this in order to make people aware of the need of population control laws.
C.) Family planning programs should be increased. Couples must be taught about the benefits of few offsprings. If topics like family planning and population growth aren't taught in your school or if you aren't aware about them then you must surely devote time to get insights of this extremely significant topic.