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Alexis Franco Barreto MontecinosFIDE rating: 2200
BoliviaMember since Jan 4, 2021
Time spent playing: 24 days 3 hours 0 minutes
Time featured on TV: 2 hours 30 minutes
TeamsAjedrezConSergioANBA_GAMESCHESS-BOLIVIACLUB ANBA COCHABAMBACLUB BOLOGNIA 2021 V.10CLUB BOLOGNIA 2021 V.13CLUB BOLOGNIA 2021 V.9CrescendoPeruDEPARTAMENTAL SUB-16 COCHABAMBA 2022Departamental Sub 17DEPARTAMENTAL SUB12 COCHABAMBA 2021Entrena tu menteESCUADRON SUICIDA 64 BoliviaEscuela del Puerto de Chancay KidsKnights Kingdom Tournament ClubLichess en EspañolLichess SwissLiga de Ajedrez de TrujilloMENTES BRILLANTESReyes y PeonesTaller de Ajedrez Universidad Privada del NorteTeam MatrixTehran Municipality Chess TeamTorneo Departamental Cat. Sub 14 - ADAC 2021TORNEO INFANTIL NOVIEMBRE ANBATorneo Lima Norte ARLTORNEO ONLINE 80 ANIVERSARIO ADAC COCHABAMBATORNEO ONLINE VIVA BOLIVIATORNEO SOLIDARIO ANBA CBBA 2022TORNEOS ANBA COCHABAMBAVIVA MI PATRIA BOLIVIAWednesday Swiss Group
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