Why I like Antichess?
In the Antichess, you have just lose your pieces. Everyone get bored.
But No One Knows How Fun Is It!
In this game, you have to think a lot like you think in Rapid, Blitz or Bullet.
If you make a move, you have to think to lose your piece in the next move like to Checkmate.
But your Little mind will be worried
Because your little eyes sees the rating of the other player. If the Player has the Rating of 2100 or 2300
Your mind will get worried.
But If the Rating is 632 or 756 or under 1000.
Your mind will get happy.
But the main thing is!
How the player is
If the player is new
The rating could be little
But we don`t know is the player champion or he doesn`t know
These Points are Related to Whole Chess.
But now I am going to tell you some points for Antichess.
1. Never let to lose the opponent`s pieces
2. This is not a game checkmate.
3. This is a game to sacrifice your pieces {lose your pieces}
4. Never let to get in your bishop to the opponent`s area. Bishop can lose all the Opponent`s pieces.
Now i am going to tell points about your whole chess
1. Never worry when you lose in chess
2. Never worry when the opponent`s rating is high
3. Never tell bad words to the opponent when you lose.
So I use these points and like Antichess and other like Rapid, Blitz, Bullet too
You can also try these points and be happy.