More skill, less luck


Chess for beginners

Before you go, look what's in the path

So, you are here because you are a beginner, no?

If it is greatness you find, and getting the grandmaster title, here's what you gotta know.


So, if you don't know what is calculation, it's a process where you 'calculate' what will happen next. Calculating is more like predicting. But here are a few stuff you gotta evade when calculating:


  • So you ASSUME what your opponent would do. Well ok. ASSUMING is not a good habit, unless your opponent is weaker than you, it's still advised NOT TO ASSUME. Assuming is giving a high chance to your opponent making that move. But, some people want to control reality with this and that is something impossible to be done. So, imagine you are about to be mated, like one more move and it is mate. You ASSUME your opponent is going to draw the game, but your opponent ends the game with checkmate. That's an example of assuming. Another one is when you realise you blundered, but you assume your opponent is not going to do the required move. WELL, your opponent DID THAT MOVE.

Yeah, I know. You assume wrong and it costs the whole game. Well sometimes not. But yeah.