
I Officially Purchased Lichess!

Software DevelopmentLichessOff topicChess
I'm so excited!!! Here's the story:

Hello everyone! In a couple of weeks, I will be the official owner of the chess site you all know and love,! I know what you're thinking. Thibault has said that Lichess will never be sold, but when i offered him such a large fortune, he accepted the offer. the best thing about it is that he will still be a mod/dev, but I will own Lichess. I will lose my status of billionaire though, but i guess that's ok. It was I who suggested decrement time controls. Since I don't own the site until a couple of weeks, you guys can mark how Thibault's team does verses how my team does. I will run the @Lichess profile, and accept some challenges! I hope y'all enjoy this new state, and there will be new features all the time! See y'all in a couple of weeks!