
Does Magnus Carlsen need opening theory?

I feel like in a bullet game the lack of a known opening plays hugely into magnus hands as he can better use his raw natrual talent to navigate these positions and outplay a weaker opponent who was presumably relying on pattern recognition to get through the early stages and was now forced to "shock horror" think of his own ideas ! - I wouldnt rate magnus chances so much against another 2700 doing this kind of thing - they would sac a pawn or piece for a mega attack or just squeeze him positionally to death.
Thanks for the lovely post, Tryfon. I guess it can be an advantage sometimes to let your opponent over-reach/stretch their pieces.
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very naive of me. but we all have to give it a try don't we.. it appears to me, not diminishing other possible arguments, that the center files pawn battle was being done a rank closer than more typical center battle I have seen.

This could argue with an overextended argument about the black construct going for the white pawns. maybe less important than other arguments. Anyway nice show, because it was not a bullying lots of early material bing bong klunk kapow type of action video game type of chess in fast time control. black could deploy some opening geometry wihtout getting distracted in exchange skirmisshes, until white started pushing paws..

very naive i told you. but i like geometrical ideas above all... The idea that tempo could be exchanged for letting opponent stumble upon itself first is also interesting.

is the initial position initially a robust one, i wonder too... its interation network having only a few weaknesses like the f pawns.
I think it it is quite amusing and unironically instructive to present such a game, attached to the pseudonym "Kingscrusher" (or "Godzilla")...
Almost everyone, amongst us tiny human woodpushers, would have played 6...Bxf2+ without even looking at the board, and ultimately lost in a very different fashion.

But I guess one must keep up with his "fairly convincing logical play" (sic!) to satisfy the hordes of hyperbullet-playing followers...