
Learning to play chess is like counting stars....

ChessOff topicChess Personalities
How addicted to Chess are you?

Some people start playing Chess and are quickly humbled by the brutality & complexity of the game and promptly quit, while the rest of us become addicted to various degrees

Level 5 - You are Danya and need to seek help for playing bullet while driving. You play at 4am with one eye open

Level 4 - You wake up and want to play. You see chess positions when you doze off. You tell your friends about Chess even though they clearly aren't interested

Level 3 - You can't go a day without some sort of Chess related activity. You rage quit a game then immediately watch a Chess video on YouTube

Level 2 - You play as much as you can but life gets in the way. You have control of your addictions in general

Level 1 - Congratulations because you found the holy grail! You can play respectable - brilliant Chess and go months without playing. You are Judit Polgar

Level 0 - You quit Chess and are not reading this

Chess to the bitter end.

Good luck with your addiction!