
The Whacky Piece's Gang!

7 members

In our gang we have currencies!

150 piececoin every game won!

1050 every tournament won (1-5th) ranks

bad behavior, bullying etc. will resolve in charges of piece coins- if bad behavior beyond tolerance will result in bans/penalties
have fun in forum, no inappropriate messages should be raised

daily rewards of piece coins are 75, if daily login streak doubles rewards

for casual only tournament you need a beige (not gray)
if played more than 30 rated games in a category- then rated tournaments will be allowed
Remember our policies (1 game lost -5 piece coins)

Have fun in our small community


(President) @TheWhackyRook
(Prime Minister) @Ruchijainsharma_1984
(Governing head of chess ministry) None
(Head of Offensive chess head) None
(Head of Defensive chess head) @Smotrys
(Community manager, protocol manager of forums) None
(Average tournament elo/ game manager) None
(Queen in command of forces) None
(Rook forces command) None
(Cavalry Knights corps) None
(Bishop archer corps) None
(Infantry unit of pawns) None
(Citizens) Every member has a chance of citizenship!

we have moderate policy, no one shall use chess bots/computers
leading in piece coins- @TheWhackyRook (42.3k)


1st Cavalry unit leader Arena10+10 • Rapid • Rated • 4h 30mInner team


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