The Chess Refineryy
Welcome to The Chess Refinery. This is a club where Agents meet. This club is Safe and Secure. Feel free to create a Forum to keep people connected in this group! This Group was founded by Monsterchip. He made this club for us to find and ban team hackers. He is very kind, if you have any questions or suggestions about our club, the please contact our Leaders by messaging them. We need some more members, so we need all our members support to help our group in inviting.
(We are the investigation agent team that finds out who has hacked what team, so if you have a case please private message me in my inbox but dont sham in the forums nor in the chat.
We find hackers and share their information in a secret chat...
If your team is hacked inform us so we can investigate and bring your members back
Our secret chat is in because lichess does'nt like people who sham...
Our Allied Clubs:
Happy Chessing!