
The African elephant

6 members

Free For all:

The conditions:

👇Our Rules:
1️⃣Be friendly to team mates, don't be rude.
2️⃣To help friends and, if possible, take part in the club's tournaments of being in our club➕
1️⃣Regular friendly tournaments .🤓
2️⃣Active Forum 💬
3️⃣Simul for team mates💥

3800+ players will be awarded the status of team leader and are allowed to create private tournaments within the team.

When toxicity, racism, sexism, is noticed from any member of the team, they WILL be removed.

our titled players: @Marcia2911

Our best players: @Master_Dragon_BOT , @Kingnandi_chessbot , @banking , @Marcia2911 , @TheChessRockstar9999

Our.Bots:@jakie2 , @Master_Dragon_BOT , @Kingnandi_chessbot , @stokcfishlevel222 , @Bobby_Fischer_BOT , @AjedrezChamberi