
Slow Chess League - Official

Team leader: SirIvanhoe

The official lichess team for the Slow Chess League. We are now running live multi-day classical swiss tournaments at a time control of G/90+30. You play just one game/round per day in these events. You play on one day each week or once each day during a week.

Rules of Play - We password protect our tournaments to prevent early registration to minimize pairings with no-show players. The password restriction is removed about 1 hour before play begins making registration open for all team members. If you can't play the first round, then don't join until you can play. Late joins are allowed until half of the rounds are played. If you can't play the upcoming round, then don't late join. If you have to go after joining / play begins, resign your game. Don't just leave making your opponent wait an hour or more for the game to be resolved. If you won't be back for the rest of the tournament, then withdraw. Players who abuse these rules may be removed from the team.

** Warning ** - You must be joined to a tournament and present on lichess 5 minutes before the start of a round in order to remain in the team and be included in the round. A player who has joined a swiss tournament but is not present (marked online at lichess) 5 minutes before the start of a round may be removed from the team and thereby removed from the tournament by the tournament director.

Addendum: Thanks to MrBlunderful, we now know that you can withdraw (or pause) before a round if you can't play that one and then join again after to play future rounds without penalty. Pausing after every round and then starting again shortly before a new round starts is recommend to avoid unnecessary unwanted pairings. Or, if you can't play in a round, please pause/withdraw before it starts so as not to be paired. Then rejoin when you can play another round.

To keep up with all of our activities, join our Slow Chess League Facebook group

Current and Completed Tournaments:


Sundays in June Classical90+30 • Classical • Rated1 round Swiss
Saturdays in June Classical90+30 • Classical • Rated3 rounds Swiss
Saturdays in May Classical90+30 • Classical • Rated4 rounds Swiss
Sundays in May Classical90+30 • Classical • Rated1 round Swiss
Sundays in April Classical90+30 • Classical • Rated3 rounds Swiss