
Quarantine Queens: A Chess Story

2 members

"Rules" according to Grandmaster Ben Finegold, our lord and saviour.

The Finegold Rules

  1. Always play Bf1.
  2. Never play f3.
  3. Castle and avoid a hassle!
  4. Take your time.
  5. Be calm when you play chess.
  6. When you play in a tournament, always get a LOT of sleep at night, and take a nap during the day for 20-40 minutes, if you have time.
  7. A piece is worth 9 pawns.
  8. Study chess EVERY day! Study tactical problems, openings you play, GM games. Study something!
  9. Never offer or accept a draw. Fight like a man, and die like a dog!
  10. Never trade!
  11. ABC – Always be confident.
  12. Never move pawns!
  13. Always play Kb1.
  14. Never sacrifice!
  15. Always play a4 when they play b5. (Note the corollary – if …a4 play b5 - is not necessarily true)
  16. Always repeat!
  17. Never resign!
  18. Queen + Bishop is better than Queen + Knight.
  19. Never capture a pinned knight with your bishop before being provoked (ex – with Bg4 pinning Nf3 to Qd1, don’t play Bxf3 before h3)
  20. Never play Rg8.
  21. Never play g3 if you can’t fianchetto.
  22. Never Check!
  23. Never play Bd2