

32 members

Regular practice tournaments are an essential component in the development of any skilled player. Without consistent opportunities to test their abilities against different opponents, players may not have a clear understanding of their strengths and weaknesses, hindering their progress and limiting their potential. By organizing practice tournaments, players are given the chance to face a variety of opponents and experience different playing styles, allowing them to develop their skills and adapt to new challenges.

These tournaments provide a competitive environment for players to showcase their abilities and learn from their mistakes. Each match provides valuable feedback and insight into the player's performance, helping them to identify areas for improvement and focus their practice efforts accordingly. Additionally, the opportunity to compete against a variety of opponents can help players develop a strategic mindset, as they learn to analyze and adapt to the strengths and weaknesses of different players.

Overall, regular practice tournaments are a vital tool for players to improve their skills and reach their full potential. By providing a consistent and competitive environment for players to test their abilities, these tournaments help players develop their game sense, hone their skills, and gain the confidence needed to succeed in competitive play.


Sunday Practice15+5 • Rapid • Rated5 rounds Swiss
Sunday Practice15+5 • Rapid • Casual5 rounds Swiss
Sunday Practice15+5 • Rapid • Rated5 rounds Swiss