
Easter Chess Course 2021 intermediate/ advanced

10 members

An Easter Chess Course for intermediate/ advanced players from 6 to 15 years old run and taught by Mrs Billington-Phillips.
The course will be a mixture of matches, practice simultaneous games against the coach, quizzizz, coaching of the opening, opening traps with some middlegame and end game plans, puzzles and ideas. One does not need to attend all three days, but scores for the matches will accrue over the whole course so it will be harder to win a prize if one does not attend all three days. However, one will improve their skills from attending even one day.
There will be a certificate emailed out to all participates at the end of the course.
The course matches winner will be mailed a trophy with medals mailed to second and third places too.
All applicants will need a account, but if they do not have one then Mrs Billington-Phillips will set up a student account which she will manage.
For more information and our terms and conditions, please visit our website at the following link:
This team is where simuls and tournaments will be set up.


ECCO10+5 • Rapid • Rated6 rounds Swiss