
COOL Titled Players

1 member

For all Titled Players(LM, (W)CM, (W)FM, (W)IM, (W)GM, BOT .We are waiting for (GM) DrNykterstein, alireza2003, pinguingim1, Zhigalko Sergei. (IM) Eric Rosen. (FM) Mathew G-P4, chrissyplaya, jeffforeever. (CM) marantz3. (BOT) AntiFish-Mk289.(LM) Lance5500, Assios. If I see that you are not a Titled Player I will throw you out of the team. I hope you wood like to join this team. There will also be tournaments at Sunday. The tournaments will be from 20:00 to 22:00. PS I would like if over 50 titled players will join this team and remember every point counts well nearly every one. And if you have joint this Team then WELCOME TO THE COOLEST TEAM ON LICHESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!