
ChessQuakeHub (Only for Deaf and Hard of hearing)

85 members


  1. The tournament is only for deaf or hard of hearing.
  2. The tournament will be up to 15 rounds.
  3. No bye points will be awarded for rounds not played due to latejoining.
  4. The time control for each game will be 3 + 2 and 10 + 3.
  5. The Swiss pairing system will be used for this tournament.
  6. Players are prohibited from giving takebacks or moretime during the tournament.
  7. Players are expected to use the same computer for all games played in the tournament.
  8. All participants are expected to be familiar with the rules of chess used on the LiChess server.
  9. The tournament manager may, at his or her discretion, refuse to allow a player to enter the tournament or eject a player from the tournament, for any reason, including, but not limited to: connection problems, excessive lag, failure to start tournament games promptly, failure to resume tournament games promptly, disruptive behavior in the tournament channel, suspicion that the player is receiving outside assistance, suspicion that the player is using computer assistance, or discovery that the account or player has a previous history of violating LiChess rules. The manager is not obligated to disclose the reason for his or her decision, and his or her decision is final. There is no process for appeal.

All tournament fees (Less €4 or more if you want donates money to Chess of Friends fund) must be paid before the 26 March 2021. Please complete the Registration with entry fee €4 here;
this is also possibly to paid witt AIRTM (Contact with @PeterSwe) or Western Union payment (Fee: US$ 5), please contact with Sirojddin ( or WhatApp (Only text) +998 90 937 06 22. Entry fees are non-refundable.

Delayed payment - Please complete the Registration with entry fee + charge €7 here; or Western Union payment (Fee: US$ 7,50), please contact with (


Welc-Spring20213+2 • Blitz • Rated12 rounds Swiss
Winter Deaf Tournament Rapid10+3 • Rapid • Rated7 rounds Swiss
New Year 2021 Open Tournament3+2 • Blitz • Rated15 rounds Swiss