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Stalemate is the biggest miracle in chess—there, I said it. You might disagree and give me dozens of different examples of chess magic and you might be correct too. We all have different definitions of beauty and magic.

Yes, when you see one of those GM Mikhail Tal games where he sacrificed a gazillion pieces and managed to win the game, it is definitely a magical experience. But to be fair, in all of those games Tal's remaining pieces were swarming around his opponent's king and therefore a checkmate wasn't that unexpected or even what I would call a miracle.

biggest chess miracle
Mikhail Tal was known for his magical games. .
Stalemate is completely different. Usually it comes completely out of blue and that's stalemate's biggest wow factor. Who could forget the following famous game:


OLD SCHOOL3+0 • Blitz • Rated3 rounds Swiss