
Cheat Detect, Chat and Answer Mods In Training

9 members

I am making up 3 different kinds of mods, Cheat Detect Mods, Answer Mods and Chat Mods. Here is what they do and how do get them:

Answer Mod: An Answer Mod does a lot of responses and answers a lot of questions. Answer Mods are mostly in the Forums and Question and Answers. You should know a lot about lichess to get this.

Requirements: Have answered at least 2 forum questions and at least 3 questions in the Questions and Answers, know a LOT about lichess.

Chat Mod: Watches for bad behavior in simul chats, tourney chats, study chats, forums, Questions and Answers, Everywhere. When the Chat Mod finds someone deeply accusing or trolling, spamming the Mod should report the person or stop the fight somehow.

Requirements: Stop at least 1 fight, Report at least 2 people for spamming and trolling, the person has to be really mean. Be able to watch either the simul,study,forum,tourney,questions and answers chat each time you are online for 10 minutes to make sure everything is fine.

Cheat Detect Mod: Watch for cheaters and if you see someone suspicious slowly analyse there games. There should be at least 3 suspicious games before you report the person. These Mods are usually in the Lobby and in big tourneys and events.

Requirements: Have reported at least 5 cheaters and at least 4 of them were actually cheating, you analyse their games carefully and clearly.

This is what I have. Whenever you do one of the requirements you can write them in this team's forums. When you think you have all of them you can either message me or write it in the forums. To not get people confused you can write the job on your profile. The reasons we are doing this is to give the lichess mods an easier job and to help lichess and make it cleaner and to have fun! The requirements will not count if you did them in the past, you NEED to do them in the future, this is an important note! Thank you!


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