
Bodoh team

7 members

Anyone who wishes to learn the sacred arts of bodhism should join. You may talk about anything related or unrelated to bodhism, as that is where true bodhism lies.

Allow the bodoh in you to shine through in this wonderful platform. Any acts of bodhism, whether committed by members or not, must be wholly and thoroughly glorified. Please feel free to share them here.

Now, an introduction to bodhism. First things first, spelling, it is short for bodohism, and must always start with a lower case, or else it is pure disrespect. Never refer to bodhism as "Bodhism". Second, there are four tiers of bodhism, bakaism, geniosity, idioticity, and stoopeediticity. They're mentioned in order of powerfullness. Top to bottom. But even then, there is no reason to be ashamed of being a stoopeedity. Thirdly, bodhism orginates from the sacred malayan word: bodoh and if you do not know the word it is highly advisable to research it. Lastly, we must be friends with the bodo fish in the Amazons. They are our partners in bodhism, but they are being fished regularly, we must put a stop to that immediately.

Also the Karen Clan in Vietnam is very important for our journey in bodhism