
Baron Chess Club

7 members

An exclusive, thriving chess club filled with only the most capable chess players, formed and operating in the ''chess capital'' of the Netherlands, Leiden. Enrollment is possible exclusively on invitation of an acknowledged member of this society. We only offer said invitations to those who have shown signs of creative brilliance and/or great innovation in games played on a proper level. Our well-regarded chess community is build upon the foundations of three century-old virtues: Erudition (eruditio) , Zeal (dilligentia) and lastly, most significant of all, Friendship (amicitia). On this triforce of ancient virtues, our chess tower remains high and mighty as of today with its talons reaching to every single corner of the known world by means of the practice of high-level chess and connecting those with grand talent and an unquenchable thirst for tapping into the vast world of available chess knowledge.