
AngelaPlayzChess Friends and Fans

Team leader: Paury31

@Paury31: Hello friend/stranger. I hope you are having a great day. This is the official "AngelaPlayzChess Friends and Fans" fan club.

"AngelaPlayzChess" is my YouTube channel.

Want to subscribe to AngelaPlayzChess, follow @Paury31 (me) and join this club? You do not have to if you do not want to.

This club is just a fan club and people are here to chill, be friends with the owner (@Paury31) and other people, have events for fun, get updates about this club and so much more!

It is not much but this club is the main club in Lichess. There is an official club of mine in and other social media of mine. Here is the link to my YouTube channel:

Want to know more about @Paury31 (me) and my other social media? Go see the "About Me" section in her YouTube channel. Where? Under my tag, (@AngelaHereXD), you will see the line "Road to 400 subs!". There is a > on the right of that line, push it and you will see all my other social media.

That is all about this fan club. More updates will be coming if necessary. I hope you will subscribe to "AngelaPlayzChess", follow @Paury31 (me), join this club, follow my rules that relate to the community guidelines, have fun, join in on the future events and see my other social media. Have a great day!