
My Game Analysis

1 • vittalsk89 •
  1. vittalsk89 - eyklein
  2. siddharthjoshi13 - vittalsk89
  3. Alavi-1399 - vittalsk89
  4. vittalsk89 - nehdi
  1. vittalsk89

My Beatiful game

1 • vittalsk89 •
  1. vittalsk89 - Flannelfrenzy - perfect game
  2. vittalsk89 (1780) - ratmini (1709) - only 1 inaccuracy
  3. vittal_s48 (1587) - LuisAndrade490 (1562) - 1 inaccuracy
  4. vittalsk89 (1780) - Jer_Brand (1753)
  1. vittalsk89

My System & Chess Praxis- part 3

2 • vittalsk89 •
  1. Motifs one and two combined
  2. From an odds game by Dr. Tarrasch. The pin exploited by the use of zugzwang- imp
  3. - very important to learn and to do revision
  4. (a) Putting the question - important to know about pin here
  1. vittalsk89

My System & Chess Praxis- part 2

2 • vittalsk89 •
  1. (3) The third special case. The drawing mechanism of rook + knight (perpetual ch
  2. The same position but with a black rook at c8
  3. (4) The fourth special case- It consists of a driving maneuver: the king is dri
  4. (5) The fifth special case - page number 80
  1. vittalsk89

AptChess Coaching Classes

4 • vittalsk89 •
  1. Why Bishop and Knight have 3 points
  2. Why Bishop have 3 points and Rook have 5 points
  3. In Closed position knight is good , Because knight can come quickly
  1. sunitask
  2. vittalsk89

My System & Chess Praxis-1

2 • vittalsk89 •
  1. Whites e pawn is not at exact center squares
  2. Aron Nimzowitsch vs amateur
  3. Piece development & attack- no need to do revision
  4. Exchanging with resulting gain of tempo- no need to do revision
  1. vittalsk89