
Bird opening

5 • veestal •
  1. The Bird
  2. The main setup for white in the Bird opening
  3. How to react to black's most played moves.
  4. Sturm gambit
  1. Danielkaldenbach
  2. veestal


1 • veestal •
  1. max-oscar
  2. frans-oscar
  3. eelco-frie
  4. oscar-jaap
  1. kaasplankjuh
  2. Danielkaldenbach
  3. veestal

nice checkmate study

1 • veestal •
  1. checkmate in 25
  2. Stockfish can't solve this! Can you?
  1. veestal

SA 11-6-21

1 • veestal •
  1. 1.
  2. 2.
  3. 3.
  4. 4.
  1. veestal