
creating plans

5 • qqq321 •
  1. what is a plan?
  2. make three different plans
  3. plan: hide the king (figure out how)
  4. plan: promote a pawn (figure out how)
  1. qqq321
  2. samrutha20

Checkmating with rook 2

1 • qqq321 •
  1. Review: destination
  2. Review: cut off king
  3. Review: opponent step into opposition
  4. Review: when in opposition, check the king with rook
  1. qqq321
  2. samrutha20

Favorable exchange

1 • qqq321 •
  1. Do you remember the point system?
  2. Chapter 1
  3. Chapter 2
  4. Chapter 3
  1. qqq321
  2. samrutha20

Checkmating with rook!

1 • qqq321 •
  1. Cutting off
  2. Leaving two spots
  3. Lets remind ourselves checkmating with queen first
  4. check mate with rook ends like this!
  1. qqq321
  2. samrutha20

qqq321's Study

1 • qqq321 •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. qqq321

Identifying a weakness and attacking it

5 • qqq321 •
  1. Weaknesses
  2. Backwards pawn
  3. Inactive piece
  4. Isolated pawn bad or good here?
  1. qqq321
  2. samrutha20

How to use our rooks!

1 • qqq321 •
  1. What can we see about the rook
  2. Rooks do NOT belong in openings
  3. Rooks do NOT belong in the middle of the board
  1. qqq321
  2. samrutha20

Check mate with queen!

1 • qqq321 •
  1. Cut him off!
  2. Check with night!
  3. Run with king!
  4. Check mate him!
  1. qqq321
  2. samrutha20

End game play it out!

1 • qqq321 •
  1. Who will make it first
  2. Who will make it first!
  3. Distract the king!
  4. First take black king as far as possible and then run with your king
  1. qqq321

Pins and Skewers continued

1 • qqq321 •
  1. How does a pin work?
  2. How does a skewer work?
  3. Make a pin or skewer here:
  1. qqq321
  2. samrutha20


1 • qqq321 •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. qqq321
  2. samrutha20

Pin intro!

1 • qqq321 •
  1. Pins
  2. Absolute pin
  3. Relative pin
  4. Pressure on pin
  1. qqq321
  2. samrutha20

Introduction to skewers

1 • qqq321 •
  1. Make a pin!
  2. Make a pin!
  3. Make the move the arrow shows!
  4. Make a skewer!
  1. qqq321
  2. samrutha20

fork practice!

1 • qqq321 •
  1. Fork 1
  2. Fork 2
  3. Chapter 3
  4. Chapter 4
  1. qqq321
  2. samrutha20

How to move your king

1 • qqq321 •
  1. In opening its easy
  2. Middle game also simple
  1. qqq321
  2. samrutha20

How to push your pawns!

1 • qqq321 •
  1. Show me where you would put your pawns in the first two moves, why?
  2. Open pawns and closed pawns
  3. These are open pawns! What makes these open pawns and not closed?
  4. Territory!
  1. qqq321
  2. samrutha20