
🚕 Middlegame Strategies 🚗

528 • FunnyAnimatorJimTV •
  1. Introduction
  2. How to Create a PLAN
  3. Attacking Weaknesses
  4. The KNIGHT - Part 1
  1. FunnyAnimatorJimTV

🎩 Repertoire for the E4 PLAYER 🏆

460 • FunnyAnimatorJimTV •
  1. Introduction
  3. Lewis Gambit
  4. Urusov Gambit Declined
  1. Water_Flame
  2. Opabinia2401
  3. francesco_super
  4. Luciano_the_best


432 • FunnyAnimatorJimTV •
  1. The Basics
  2. 5.g4 Super Aggressive
  3. 2...c5 Variant
  4. Reti Gambit Declined
  1. Water_Flame
  2. nidav000
  3. PatzerNacional
  4. J--p

Find the Brilliant Move *️⃣️

389 • FunnyAnimatorJimTV •
  1. White to Play
  2. The Full Game
  1. santibasti
  2. FunnyAnimatorJimTV

🔥Against 1.Nc3 🔥

322 • FunnyAnimatorJimTV •
  1. avanti - FunnyAnimatorJimTV
  1. FunnyAnimatorJimTV

🏆 French Sicilian Defense 🏆

304 • FunnyAnimatorJimTV •
  1. Introdution
  2. Main IDEAS of the Opening
  3. Kan Sicilian
  4. Mainlines
  1. Water_Flame
  2. ijnelson137
  3. Pilki
  4. IM mysterious_expert

🍅Cool Trap I Came Across🍅

265 • FunnyAnimatorJimTV •
  1. megaman2019 - FunnyAnimatorJimTV
  1. FunnyAnimatorJimTV

London Opening: 🌶 5...Bf5 Variation

263 • FunnyAnimatorJimTV •
  1. Introduction
  2. 6...Qb6
  3. 6...Qc8
  4. 6...Qd7
  1. CM WildTricks
  2. VelociraptorRex
  3. Dat_Das
  4. FunnyAnimatorJimTV

🎃 🎃The Halloween Gambit 🕸 🎃

260 • FunnyAnimatorJimTV •
  1. Introduction
  2. Mainline: Ng6 Dodge
  3. Sideline: Nc6 Dodge
  4. Defensive Pawn Moves
  1. Water_Flame
  2. ijnelson137
  3. Opabinia2401
  4. Furo951

🧀 The Dutch Defense - Strong Opening Against d4

253 • FunnyAnimatorJimTV •
  1. The Basics
  2. Avoiding the Hopton Attack
  3. The Stonewall Variation
  4. The Classical Variation
  1. FunnyAnimatorJimTV

🐴 Black Knights Tango Study 🐴

223 • FunnyAnimatorJimTV •
  1. Introduction
  2. 3.d5 Advance Variation
  3. 3.Nc3 Kennedy Variation
  4. 3.Nf3 Mainline Variation
  1. nidav000
  2. monsterhead
  3. J--p
  4. Reaver96

⚠️ Traps Against English Opening

219 • FunnyAnimatorJimTV •
  1. The English Opening
  2. Classical Setup
  3. Trap #1
  4. Trap #2
  1. FunnyAnimatorJimTV

Interesting Sideline in the French🍇

204 • FunnyAnimatorJimTV •
  1. Introduction
  2. The Supporting 6.Be3
  3. The Critical 6.Bc4
  4. The Move 6.Ne2
  1. FlyingLithium
  2. Water_Flame
  3. InnateAluminum
  4. FunnyAnimatorJimTV

Polish Opening System 🎁

174 • FunnyAnimatorJimTV •
  1. Introduction
  2. Queenside Space
  3. How to Play Against Polish
  4. Stonewall Against Polish
  1. IM mysterious_expert
  2. Sittingbull98
  3. FunnyAnimatorJimTV

My System: Illustrative Games

155 • FunnyAnimatorJimTV •
  1. Nimzowitsch-Alapin
  2. Teichmann-Nimzowitsch
  3. Van Vliet-Znosko-Borovsky
  4. Lee-Nimzowitsch
  1. FunnyAnimatorJimTV

The Sniper💥🔫 An Attacking Opening

147 • FunnyAnimatorJimTV •
  1. General Moves
  2. Hyperaccelerated Dragon
  3. Dzindzi-Indian Defense
  4. Trap Against the Sniper
  1. FunnyAnimatorJimTV