
20 Middlegame Principles

983 • ayoCHILLBRO •
  1. Chapter 0: Introduction
  2. Chapter 1: Making a plan
  3. Chapter 2: Activate your pieces
  4. Chapter 3: Taking advantage of open files
  1. ayoCHILLBRO
  2. Yyoushee

WIN with the Ruy Lopez!

433 • Peng_Dehuai1898-1974 •
  1. Introduction
  2. How to Study this Study
  3. Section 1: Closed Mainlines
  4. 9...Na5 Chigorin with 11...Qc7
  1. Peng_Dehuai1898-1974

The ONLY Opening you need as Black!

452 • MSHARK19 •
  1. - Intro -
  2. - Basic Ideas -
  3. What happens if white pushes e5 anyway?
  4. Completing Mission 1
  1. MSHARK19

1.d4 Repertoire for White

111 • TribuneDrive •
  1. Topic 1, 2 and 3
  2. QGD Exchange Variation
  3. QGD 3...Be7
  4. QGA Greed Punished
  1. TribuneDrive

Best chess games of all time

82 • Bobby223 •
  1. Kasparov, G. - Topalov, V.
  2. Paul Morphy - Duke Karl / Count Isouard
  3. Levon Aronian - Viswanathan Anand
  4. Donald Byrne - Robert James Fischer
  1. argaladriel
  2. Bobby223

WIN with the Caro-Kann!

28 • MSHARK19 •
  1. - Intro -
  2. - Basic Ideas -
  3. Push-Variation: White supports their center
  4. Push-Variation: White trades our c-pawn
  1. MSHARK19

The ONLY opening YOU NEED as White

65 • Bobby223 •
  1. Instuction to QG
  2. Training the previous Chapter's moves
  3. Queens Gambit Accepted
  4. Training the previous Chapter's moves
  1. Bobby223

Playing the Scotch Gambit

49 • lexychess96 •
  1. What is the Scotch Gambit?
  2. 4...Bc5 with 5.Ng5 - Super Aggressive!
  3. 4...Bc5 with 5.0-0 - Solid and Safe
  4. 4...Bc5 with 5.c3 dxc3 - Incorrect capture for Black
  1. lexychess96

CRUSH with the Italian Game

26 • MSHARK19 •
  1. - Intro -
  2. - Index -
  3. The Italian Game
  4. Fried Liver - Knight Sac
  1. MSHARK19

How To Deal With Early Gambits And Attacks In Chess

178 • ilovechess16 •
  1. Introduction
  2. -White Attacks-
  3. Scholar's Mate
  4. Grob Gambit
  1. ilovechess16
  2. Peng_Dehuai1898-1974
  3. Bosburp

CRUSH the Caro-Kann

33 • Gormity_1 •
  1. How we can crush the Caro-Kann: 4 Knights Attack
  2. Tartakower Smothered Mate Trap
  3. Tartakower Variation
  4. NO my queen! [trap with mate for white]
  1. Gormity_1

The London System

680 • Sohan_Munnangi5 •
  1. Intro
  2. Main Line
  3. 2.Bf5 Line
  4. King's Indian Defense Line
  1. Sohan_Munnangi5

Learn the French Defence

28 • Bobby223 •
  1. Instuction
  2. Instuction to the basic position
  3. French Exchange Part 1
  4. French Exchange Part 2
  1. Bobby223

Anti-London System for Black

26 • TribuneDrive •
  1. Intro
  2. Chapter Overview
  3. Anti-London: 3.d5
  4. Anti-London: 3.dxc5
  1. TribuneDrive

One Opening for EVERYTHING!

51 • MSHARK19 •
  1. - Intro -
  2. - Basic Ideas -
  3. What if Black plays Bd6?
  4. What if Black plays c5 immediately?
  1. MSHARK19

Do not capture that pawn!

70 • WFM fla2021 •
  1. Intro
  2. Example # 1
  3. Example # 2
  1. WFM fla2021