
Search "user:yannikov"

8 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Feature request: Notepad#11

Indeed fiveTimes, right to the point! Thank you for your response.

Lichess Feedback - Feature request: Notepad#9

I just thought that it would be a useful feature (for some or many, I don't know) posted in the "Lichess Feedback post" along with many other suggestions. I do not know how easy or difficult this migh…

Lichess Feedback - Feature request: Notepad#5

Thank you for your reply but I don't see how this covers what I described in my previous posts. There is no way to add notes in the Analytics section - please let me know if I am missing something. Fu…

Lichess Feedback - Feature request: Notepad#3

Let me elaborate a little bit on this one. Besides making a note in a game (which is already possible), what I meant is to have a text file where you can comment and include games (more than one, obvi…

Lichess Feedback - Feature request: Notepad#1

I think it would be useful to have a plain text file for notes. With the possibility of including games (just like in a forum post), could make this serve as a player's personal record. Especially use…

Lichess Feedback - Problem when running Puzzles section and Game Analysis#3

i5-6600 (6th generation) Thanks.

Lichess Feedback - Problem when running Puzzles section and Game Analysis#1

Hi all Recently, I have noticed that the Game Analysis and the Puzzles sections are absorbing my computer's resources (40% cpu usage on a i5 processor). Is this normal for a chess engine? Furthermore,…

Lichess Feedback - Bug on Practice Zugzwang #2 ?#1

While practicing on Zugwang #2, I received erroneous messages of "Draw" or "Checkmate" albeit that was not the case. I could attach a picture if I only knew how... Thanks.
