
Search "user:vernyk1998"

6 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - 2022 Candidates#2

It would be interesting to watch the rematch with Caruana. He had 12 draws in the match with Carlsen in 12 classic games, lost only by tiebreak. It would be a very interesting rematch. Maybe Caruana c…

General Chess Discussion - I lost by the time when I had a pawn and the opponent had a knight.#4

@TheKingClash said in #3: > Your opponent can still checkmate if you underpromote the pawn. For example, if you have a king on a1 and you underpromote to a Knight, on b1, and your opponent has a king …

General Chess Discussion - I lost by the time when I had a pawn and the opponent had a knight.#2

Lichess is the only site that counts defeat here, right now.

General Chess Discussion - I lost by the time when I had a pawn and the opponent had a knight.#1

I recently had a question. Why don't they award a draw at the face-off when you run out of time and have one pawn left, and the opponent has a knight and a king. After all, theoretically, I can turn t…

General Chess Discussion - Stockfish 15 on lichess#2 official site

General Chess Discussion - Stockfish 15 on lichess#1

A new stockfish 15 engine has recently been released. Does anyone know when it will be added to the analysis on lichess?
