
Search "user:takebacksCasualRound"

11 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Be a sport and accept a takeback or two ---to before the blunder.#59

" There is no "guest" play at lichess. The OP played 2 games, made this thread and disappeared. Got quite the attention, but it seems a new name was in order." Yes there is 'guest' play. Download the …

General Chess Discussion - Be a sport and accept a takeback or two ---to before the blunder.#22

" Granting just enough takebacks to get the game to one move after the blunder is a great idea." Why? Do you enjoy being a douche? "So is to queen all the remaining pawns before delivering a checkmate…

General Chess Discussion - Be a sport and accept a takeback or two ---to before the blunder.#19

"Your addiction to multiple accounts, starting these threads to create discourse, will be the end of you here" Oh brother. Why not contribute to this discussion (*gasp* partake in discourse on an inte…

General Chess Discussion - Be a sport and accept a takeback or two ---to before the blunder.#18

"requesting more than 1 takeback is not something i would allow" Hopefully you would deny outright in the event of an obvious blunder that your opponent made overlooking a tactic (rather than accept t…

General Chess Discussion - Be a sport and accept a takeback or two ---to before the blunder.#17

I play primarily on my phone not linked to an account. I created this account solely to post this topic. The only reason I did play two rounds was to see if that would allow me to post, which evidentl…

General Chess Discussion - Be a sport and accept a takeback or two ---to before the blunder.#13

@mdinnerspace As a matter of fact I did sign up specifically to post this topic because I feel strongly enough about it. This does not make me a 'troll', but the fact that you choose to label me as su…

General Chess Discussion - Be a sport and accept a takeback or two ---to before the blunder.#12

"Resigning is like taking back all the moves to the starting position." Only if a rematch then ensues. The benefit is being able to save the PGN (unless there is a simple way to do this mid-round prio…

General Chess Discussion - Be a sport and accept a takeback or two ---to before the blunder.#9

@FakeCrabMeat Thank you for your replies. I was not aware of the way that the disable-takebacks works apparently. I will consider this possibility before passing judgement. On a tangential note: What …

General Chess Discussion - Be a sport and accept a takeback or two ---to before the blunder.#6

@zaterra: When I am losing by a lot I usually do resign. I play for fun and practice, and "playing to the bitter end" against an arse is not particularly fun nor especially helpful practice compared t…

General Chess Discussion - Be a sport and accept a takeback or two ---to before the blunder.#3

To be fair, most moves can "take the game in a whole different direction". And asking once to go back three turns to right before a critical blunder in a causal game is not that absurd. Five or more w…
