
Search "user:sotilashaarukka"

14 forum posts
Game analysis - Funny mate#1

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Lichess Feedback - Can opening names be localized?#2

And other thing, which is a lot more simple to do, is to enable translations of these textes (e.g. "National Master" when "NM" and "FIDE Master" when "FM") which show when hovering mouse over "NM", "F…

Lichess Feedback - Can opening names be localized?#1

Can Lichess enable localizing opening names in Crowdin? In many non-natively-English-speaking countries openings have local name in local languages. Most openings are best known by their local name, a…

General Chess Discussion - Happy new year in all languages!#17

Hyvää uutta vuotta! (Finnish) Happy New Year!

Game analysis - also an close to perfect game in bullet...#2

Your opponent made no single blunder in that game. In the opening phase they made a series of weak, but not especially bad moves. - Game started advantage +0,2 for white normal opening advantage. - Mo…

Game analysis - I found a super cool tactic#1

White blundered move 32 and I found a super cool way to exploit it :D

General Chess Discussion - I feel like a chess impostor#5

If your rating is 1800 with rating deviation of 45,00, then you are significantly better than me, and I usually find 20-40 %, at a best nearly 60 % best moves recommended by Stockfish 14+ and I feel l…

General Chess Discussion - What is your favorite opening#5

Italian Game.

Lichess Feedback - Make analysis board opening informations translatable#5

OK that. But why arent XXXmaster texts ("Grandmaster" , "National Master" etcetera ; texts seen when hovering mouse over title abbreviations before username of chesstitled player) translatable at Crow…
