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27 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Clock times in analysis board have disappeared#1

Hi devs, Thanks for the update first of all. Unfortunately it seems the clock times that used to be to the right of the move list have disappeared (see imgur link below). I'm using Vivaldi (based on C…

Lichess Feedback - disable Zen mode in correspondence games#3

thanks for the tip, but it's still somewhat annoying :(

Lichess Feedback - disable Zen mode in correspondence games#1

in correspondence games (e.g. 2 days per move), Zen mode is still active - meaning after you play your move, to go back to the lichess homepage, you either have to disable Zen mode and re-enable it, o…

Lichess Feedback - Draw instead of win?#1

I thought situations like this, where a side can trap themselves into a win for K+B, were wins? Did the behavior change recently?

Lichess Feedback - Players who leave table rather than resign.#5

#3 I believe this is already implemented. Bad connections have a longer period before you can claim draw/win, whereas "ragequits" have a shorter period. Correct me if I'm wrong :)

Lichess Feedback - Same scale on move time graph?#2

Any reply on this?

Lichess Feedback - Same scale on move time graph?#1

Hi, I was wondering if there's a reason why the move time graph doesn't have the same scale on the y axis for black and white - it makes it a bit difficult to compare who's up on time at a glance. -Sid

General Chess Discussion - Berlin Candidates Player Accuracy #6

@Ominous would you be willing to share your code with me as well?

General Chess Discussion - Seems Like Cheating Is Getting Bad #39

#35 have you got a link to a video of that? sounds amazing.

General Chess Discussion - Chess survey/quiz for school homework#4

don't worry about it! i thought it was your first language, so that's why i corrected you :) wouldn't want you to miss marks for something as silly as that!
