
Search "user:rxuz"

35 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Corresponding Correspondence#1

Join the thread if you want to be challenged to correspondence games with a chat each move. Talk about The Game, meaning of life, something you're passionate about, whatever. Have fun, make friends. T…

a24batra fan club - Hiatus#2

Shame we didn't pick the only person who was actually serious about the co leader application who would have kept things going and shared the load

a24batra fan club - VOTE - Team Leader Election#15

Since it's a draw between myself and @O_oMayank07 I'd like to propose a playoff, blitz, best of 5?

a24batra fan club - Win this endgame postion as white - A Challenge!#1

I saw this position in a recent Agadmator video 'The Royal Self Pin' Black resigned here as it is a solved endgame, which is an easy win (for his opponent a…

General Chess Discussion - Is there a way to see the time controls for ALL of your correspondence games (I currently have 53)?#2

idk but since you have 53 how about i make it 54 :)

a24batra fan club - VACANCY: Assistant Team Leader Needed.#3

I used to run an eSports tournament organisation with sponsorship and advertisement from the devs, it was an extension of the team i built that became the #1 team on our platform. I did everything whi…

a24batra fan club - What happened to my ambition for members?#4

@A24BaTrA said in #3: > Also, I will try and convince lichess to add a new setting where you can edit the name of your team. However, if they don't add this then the tournament may have to be delayed.…

a24batra fan club - What happened to my ambition for members?#2

how long you been doing this? I think you've done well

Lichess Feedback - Premove bug when it was my turn#2

this game ? Looks like you still had over 5 mins on the clock but timed out? were you unable to play any moves?

Game analysis - Can anyone help me understand this blunder?#4

@HorseyIsBest so you are saying I should have dropped the bishop back and saved it as a defender for when i do push the pawn?
