
Search "user:rufusson_dufus"

25 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - What happened to the opening explorer on lichess?#3

WriteableStream is used, but not imported, in this commit: But seems somebody reverted to a prior commit; at least f…

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Lichess Feedback - Two moves in puzzle#1

In, after Qg4+ Kd2, both Qxc8(-2.6) and Rxc8 (-7.1) are crushing moves; black is up a piece either way. Absent the ability to mark multiple moves correct, the puzzle…

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle requires mate in one#1

At I played Rxg7+ Kh8 Rxf7+, calculating Kg8 Rg7+ Kh8 Rg8#, which is forced mate in two. But that was marked as a mistake! I agree I had mate in one, but how can mat…

Lichess Feedback - Max 500 players can be blocked on lichess#3

@A32E7F11 you can also play rated games. Casual games – the ones you are playing exclusively – feature a wider range of players, including smurfs, strong players wanting to test out new openings or tr…

Lichess Feedback - Complaints about tournament features#6

Again, can you give even a single example of where this feature ever got misused? How about two or three? In my experience, most user-created tournaments are for tight communities, with a coach, strea…

Lichess Feedback - Complaints about tournament features#3

There are very legitimate reasons to change all these settings: - You're in a tournament with your friends (or stream chat) and you decide to do something else, e.g. because of low number of entries o…

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