
Search "user:rcostheta"

27 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Requesting tournament#2

General Chess Discussion - Lichess Stockfish 8 Cannot deliver mate with a bishop and knight#3

Can you get B/N mated when you're in the off color corner?

Lichess Feedback - Tournament for beginning chess players#8


Lichess Feedback - Tournament for beginning chess players#2

you can create your own tournaments

Lichess Feedback - Why is there 270 Million Games in the Lichess Database but only 40 Million in Opening Explorer ?#2

just a guess but the opening explorer seems to stop being applicable after several moves, maybe the DB for it only maps out a few moves and there are only 40M unique combos?

Lichess Feedback - Turn off premoves or/and set minimum time for each move.#2

the premove makes most of the chess played here possible. any game under 1 minute time control needs the premove to count for no time. this is where skill comes in as players predict each other's move…

Game analysis - Good queen sac?#2

well, he was able to get rid of the 7th rank pass pawn

General Chess Discussion - Online Chess rating inflation?#6

Wouldn't the ratings vary based on what time of day the player is on the site?

General Chess Discussion - Bullet: Killing It and Getting Killed#2

maybe you could work to improve your tactics so that even when your brain is "off" you will have the muscle memory to recognize tactical patterns?

General Chess Discussion - How to recover banned account on lichess#8

There is a huge problem with cheaters in a competitive arena (and people unfairly targeted as being cheaters): the number one response by both is "I didn't cheat"
