
Search "user:prashnakrisad"

79 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - You Don't Get to Know Who Won the Titled Arena, Sorry. #55

NGL The puzzle selection etc was really shoddy work this time.

Lichess Feedback - Not believing this puzzle to be above 2500+#3

As MrPushwood pointed out, first one wasnt that easy, but it is true that if you just "wing it" you'll probably end up with the right answer. Second one has this high a rating probably because a lot o…

General Chess Discussion - Candidates over as the Candidate is found: Round 13 report#16

Dont you think the title is a bit misleading?

General Chess Discussion - Nepo one step closer to victory: Candidates Round 12 Report#15

@kaissa44 yes they did, if they end up tied after the tourney, Nepo will win the event since he has 1.5-0.5 on Giri

General Chess Discussion - New feature: Puzzle Racer#72

I disagree with the puzzle repetition part. Either the db is limited or the rng is slightly flawed, as I got the literal same positions many times. I am not talking about themes such as Bh7+ and takes…

General Chess Discussion - My puzzle DB#3

Aah the square at the bottom, thanks!

General Chess Discussion - My puzzle DB#1

I found a beautiful puzzle while trying the new puzzle feature that I pressed the thumbs up button in reflex lol. It just took me to the next puzzle and now I want to find that puzzle. Is it possible?

Lichess Feedback - Suggestion: Make AI more impressive and.....give profiles to it.#9

A couple things.. You DON'T want to play GothamChess if you are playing to win..Once you are in a winning position, here they come, the "cheating" passive-accusations.. Beth Harmon isn't real. She can…

General Chess Discussion - Rating range change hurting my improvement#9

#8 just chill out dude, maybe the OP is rated 2100 and wants to play players 2300-2500 how can he do it with the slider? Sure, he can set it from 0 to plus 400 but the probability of him getting a 216…

General Chess Discussion - The most annoying type of opponent#11

You are too swiss you apologized for being rude when you weren't even rude xD Or was that a Canada joke that I messed up?
