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32 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Lichess is an AI evolutionary learning experience. It is not chess.#61

@Firegoat7 said in #60: > I would suggest that the players who are running their kings around like headless chickens at a speed of 0.2 moves per second without walking into check are not thinking abou…

General Chess Discussion - Lichess is an AI evolutionary learning experience. It is not chess.#58

Re: #57: It isn't "setting up a stalemate". But it is a strategy, that is, a strategy of moving your king semi-randomly and as quickly as possible when you have a time advantage and no pieces left. Th…

General Chess Discussion - Lichess is an AI evolutionary learning experience. It is not chess.#48

Well, of my 41 stalemates only 10 or 11 were against me. Does this make me secretly an AI player? In fact, there is a theme among bullet stalemates: the player who gets stalemated is a worse chess pla…

Game analysis - The smartest 2000iq move#2

I'm curious if 55. ... a2 might be winning for black. It looks interesting.

Game analysis - Eric Rosen would be proud#5

A better stalemate opportunity is at move 52, when black can use the rook to check the white king up and down the file forever, since the black king has no moves.

Game analysis - Tough endgame.#8

If you had recaptured with the bishop on move 27, it would have been a lot easier.

General Chess Discussion - Which aspect of the game should I focus on more?#10

I agree with endgame study being the most useful, and I would say you should study Rook endgames in particular, as (in my experience online) they are by far the most common and most easily bungled. Wh…

Game analysis - Sometimes a draw is your best friend.#4

On move 33 white can fork the king and queen rather than take the rook. It looks like a much simpler way to win.

Game analysis - Tricky Caro Kann#2

Mutual blindness on move 14. It was a nice mating idea at the end.

Game analysis - Fully operational bishop pair#1

I had great bishops in this game, and a queen sacrifice at the end for the checkmate. (I missed Rxf2 a couple times previously, but it turned out okay)
