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Lichess Feedback - Most played opponents#15

DM please sir, im sure noone else wants to know

Lichess Feedback - Most played opponents#11

@tors42 said in #8: > Hi! > I wrote an application which shows the top most played opponents! > The source code and the application can be accessed at > > Chess on!…

Lichess Feedback - Most played opponents#7

yeah that is probably what it is but what i want is an overview of all of my 10s of thousands of games :D

Lichess Feedback - Most played opponents#3

thanks but that is the page i was referring to, it has some guy abu up top who ive only played 15 times. I know there are people in triple digits

Lichess Feedback - Most played opponents#1

Hi is there any way to see a list of which opponents i have played the most? The "favourite opponents" thing doesn't work or at least not the way I would like it to... thanks

Game analysis - How can I do better vs the Slav Defense?#7

I am not too good at these things, so I wouldn't be too quick to take my own advice, but I would probably look into exchanging the rooks on c8 on move 16, then move my remaining rook into the c file t…

Game analysis - What u like in blitz 3+0 or 5+0 ?#10

no increment chess is ridiculous

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