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8 forum posts
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General Chess Discussion - The system gave the rival a winner when in reality it was a draw.#15

Yes. I knew that rule, but I happened to think that it was impossible for the opponent, (the one with the knight), to be able to checkmate even though the one with the pawn played totally wrong. But t…

General Chess Discussion - The system gave the rival a winner when in reality it was a draw.#12

yes dear arckai, I knew that rule, but I thought that in this position it was impossible to checkmate

General Chess Discussion - The system gave the rival a winner when in reality it was a draw.#10

and thank you all for answering

General Chess Discussion - The system gave the rival a winner when in reality it was a draw.#9

thanks TheKingClash for your quick and perfect answer

General Chess Discussion - The system gave the rival a winner when in reality it was a draw.#7

no, I precisely indicate that there is no way for the opponent to reach the only possible mate position. The opposing king prevents my king from reaching a8, and if he moves to allow it, then he choke…

General Chess Discussion - The system gave the rival a winner when in reality it was a draw.#1

Greetings to the forum. The system gave the opponent the winner in a game that was drawn. I had a pawn on a7 (my only piece); and the rival had as his only piece a horse. It doesn't matter where the h…
