
Search "user:omabhyankar"

57 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Is cereal soup :/#13

@TheKingClash said in #10: > If a food type was either soup or not soup, then we will have to draw a very blurred boundary line. Fuzzy logic takes the answers in between into account. So we have these…

Off-Topic Discussion - Happiest Birthday 🎂#16

Happy Birthday! Stay Happy, Stay Safe!! #15- That's true!

General Chess Discussion - Chess opening#8

King's Indian is good but never played it lol

Off-Topic Discussion - very old movies#10

I've watched Roundhay Garden Scene EDIT: I'm just kidding, that's older than a 100 years old person. Plus, it's just 2 seconds long (I pulled this out from google)

Game analysis - Simple mates to learners#6

What is going on here? I can't understand anything

Game analysis - Less than 2 seconds...!#13

oh got it\

Game analysis - Less than 2 seconds...!#11

#10 In which manner does it apply here OP?(NO OFFENSE MEANT)

Game analysis - Who is your favorite chess piece#20

Depends, in closed positions it is the knight and the bishop in the open ones! The rook is very good when on the seventh rank or are doubled rooks. And of course, the queen is stronger than any piece …

Off-Topic Discussion - Love doesn't exist.#105

“Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living and above all, those who live without love.” You dare call love not the greatest weapon! That is but an indirect insult to dumbledore

Off-Topic Discussion - Guys.. did any one of u notice that @umutcrazy closed his account?#9

i am sorry..
