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158 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Stockfish testing with multi-threaded WebAssembly#6

@revoof chrome version 71.0.3578.98 It was for the same number of threads/CPUs (6 out of 7). The processor is IntelCore i76700k CPU4.00Ghz Btw, are you a right person to ask questions about cloud anal…

Lichess Feedback - Stockfish testing with multi-threaded WebAssembly#3

Performance is ~2.5x slower than PNACL for me.

Lichess Feedback - [feature request] add casual games to lichess database#5

@hangrad read the request carefully before replying. Nowhere it asks specifically for my games and nowhere it tells that they should be added to rated games. It can be a separate tab with casual games.

Lichess Feedback - [feature request] add casual games to lichess database#3

@hangrad your comment does not make any sense. What is the connection between games played by a cheater and exporting PGN games?

Lichess Feedback - [feature request] add casual games to lichess database#1

Currently provides only rated games. Casual games are interesting as well and it looks like there is a huge amount of them being played here: almost half of the number of…

Lichess Feedback - LiChess Monthly Database#7

@aryadew you are probably missing a point that some people do not really care about the raw games and they need comments as well. Do not assume that if the information is useless for you, it is useles…

Lichess Feedback - Leela Chess Board Analysis Feature? #5

@kupo26 please take a look at what are those chess tournaments. Here is one strong chess tournament: TCEC. Here is the latest season: If …

Lichess Feedback - Leela Chess Board Analysis Feature? #3

@kupo26 where does it look like Leela is crushing some of the strongest engines?

General Chess Discussion - Deathmatch: Leela vs. Stockfish#25

Just curious why only 6 games. It is understandable why humans can't play 30 pro games per day, but it is not hard for two engines to play the whole day. Lichess just need to implement an api for an e…

Lichess Feedback - Please bring back PNACL or at least make this as an option#4

I read that thread. From what I understood, PNACL is going to be deprecated soon, so they are testing WASM and as for now it has problems. Currently on my laptop it still shows PNACL but on my normal …
