
Search "user:mmartel"

8 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Breaking the Silence#395

Bravo, Lichess. This kind of misconduct - whether its the US Chess Federation or Catholic Church - always seems to involve stonewalling and cover-ups to avoid public shame as long as possible, rather …

General Chess Discussion - connection sucks today#17

@Shisui said in #15: > Apologies for any connection troubles over the past few hours. Lichess has been the target of several DDoS attacks and we are working on minimising the impact. Thanks for resolv…

General Chess Discussion - how to stop blundering pieces?#6

@greysensei has it right. IMO you simply can't learn to make fewer blunders unless you practice playing chess in slower games. In those games, you can start with a simple checklist and get more advanc…

General Chess Discussion - connection sucks today#6

I had a game earlier where the connection issue was so bad, my opponent lost like 2.5 minutes of time in a 5+3 game. I gave him back the time. Then I ran into connection issues and was unable to play …

General Chess Discussion - connection sucks today#3

Today is the worst I've ever seen it for many hours. Not sure what's going on but it seems like ops must be asleep at the wheel. There should be some kind of notification that connection issues are ha…

Lichess Feedback - engine not loading#5

I'm not seeing this problem anymore. Not sure if it was a lichess or Google/Chrome browser issue, but things are working as expected again. Cheers!

Lichess Feedback - engine not loading#4

@Doofenshmirtz I'm not sure about "cutting edge dev channel" - it's a Beta channel, which means early general release candidate. Also, I've been on Beta channel for quite a long time, and I've never s…

Lichess Feedback - engine not loading#2

I'm seeing the same problem. Stockfish engine not loading locally. JS console says: "Lichess is open source! Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FA…
